Blog vancouver good sleep

How Body and Foot Massage Aid Sleep | Vancouver Massage

How Body and Foot Massage Aid Sleep | Vancouver Massage Are you suffering from sleepless nights? Well, this is the problem of many people nowadays. People are more engaged in their work, which leads them to be completely oblivious to their health. Massage is often used to help with comfortable sleep. In fact, in many…

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Blog full body massage

How does a full-body massage help your body in 2022

In today’s busy world, people are much more confused and exhausted trying to find a way to cope with their stress. The pressure of being surrounded, especially by work and family obligations, is driving us crazy. People should always take a step back from the overworked lead, no matter how important it is. Nothing is…

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Top 4 Surprising Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

It Eases the Muscle Pain If you want to release yourself from the tension and pain, massage can play a huge role! Massage can not only increase blood circulation but also reduce muscle stiffness so you can have a better overall physical fitness. This is why all the elite and recreational athletes get massage therapy…

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How to get a massage during Covid / Long Covid

How to get a massage during Covid / Long Covid Common long-term symptoms of COVID: Some common symptoms of COVID occur in almost every patient. These are the symptoms that remain in the body even after testing negative for COVID. In fact, it goes on for a long time. A massage can really help a…

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